Invisalign Teen

Invisalign Teen

What is Invisalign?

Dr. Berger is a Platinum Invisalign Provider, meaning he is very experienced using Invisalign to treat all types of orthodontic cases.

Invisalign is a system of removable aligners that help teens achieve straight teeth without the need for metal braces and wires. Teens wear their aligners for 22 hours per day, changing them out weekly or biweekly, depending on how their treatment is tracking. Little by little, the teeth shift into place according to the custom treatment plan that Dr. Berger designs for your treatment.

Braces are no longer the only option for teen orthodontics: These days Invisalign is a popular choice for many reasons.

Why is this?

Discrete: While newer generations of braces are smaller and sleeker, invisalign is less noticeable compared to braces.

Fewer Appointments and Emergencies: Invisalign Teen is ideal for teens with busy schedules. Compared to braces, Invisalign requires less appointments. Our typical invisalign teen patient is seen about once every four months, as opposed to once every 6 to 8 weeks for teens in braces.

Invisalign Teen pairs well with remote monitoring. We believe in incorporating technology that improves your experience as a patient. We include Grin Remote Monitoring with invisalign because it allows us to better monitor treatment progress, while saving you trips to the office.

Fewer Emergencies: Your teen won’t have to worry about emergency appointments from poking wires and broken braces.

Great for active Teens: invisalign is an ideal choice for teens that are in sports, play certain types of instruments, or eat foods that are known to break braces off teeth.

Improved oral hygiene: Because invisalign is removable, it’s far easier to brush and floss.

Invisalign Teen Patient Responsibilities

If you are wondering if you or your teenager is a good fit for Invisalign Teen, consider these guidelines:

  • Patients must wear their Invisalign aligners for a minimum of 20-22 hours per day.
  • Patients must remove their Invisalign aligners before they eat.
  • Patients should never drink soda or sugary drinks while wearing their Invisalign aligners.
  • Patients should not progress to the next set of aligners until the current aligner is fitting perfectly.
  • Patients will experience slight pressure on their teeth when switching to a new set of aligners.
  • Patients must clean their aligners as directed, as extreme temperatures or chemicals could damage or warp the plastic material.

Failure to follow these guidelines will delay or reverse your teen’s tooth movement. If your teen is committed to following these guidelines, Invisalign Teen can provide results as amazing as braces, while being more discrete and convenient.

Invisalign may not be recommended for some bite issues or complex alignment. Dr. Berger can advise if your teen is a candidate for Invisalign.

Request a free consultation here

Do you want an invisible orthodontic appliance, but know that your teen won’t follow the Invisalign patient responsibilities listed above?

Don’t worry because we have you covered! Check out InBrace!